How Post-Surgery Follow-Up Care Could Lead to Medical Malpractice

Lady in hospital bed

While the success of a surgical procedure is always important, post-surgery care is also essential to a healthy and optimal recovery. Although most surgical procedures have specific processes necessary to help the patient recover after the operation, there are instances when the post-operative care team lacks providing the patient the support they need to recover – which could ultimately lead to a relapse of the condition, acquiring a new condition or becoming prone to infection that could've been avoided. When injuries like this occur, there may be a case of medical malpractice in which the help of an experienced attorney may be beneficial.

What are the Most Common Examples of Medical Malpractice in Post-Surgery Care?

Failure to Monitor

After surgical procedures, the hospital and its staff must closely monitor their patients to ensure they do not have any adverse reactions to medication or develop any unwanted infection. When medical staff members fail to monitor post-operative patients carefully, it's more likely for these types of problems to occur due to a lack of appropriate assistance and prevention.

Failure to Prevent Complications

Possible complications that may occur after an operation depends on the severity of the patient's condition. When doctors or nurses fail to observe associated symptoms or don't pay close enough attention, it is likely that a severe infection to occur, which could eventually lead to sepsis. Failure to administer the proper medication and the patient becoming infected are issues that arise from negligent medical staff.

Improper Post-Operative Care

The primary type of medical malpractice is mistakes made that cause an injury to the patient because they can lead to the need for additional procedures to reverse, which the body may not be strong enough to perform safely. Post-operative care mistakes may also lead to internal injuries, allergic reactions, or prolonged suffering. When the errors are severe, they may lead to sepsis or harm the body to the point of trauma and shock. This may put the patient in a coma or potentially end their life.

Failure to Diagnose a New Problem

It's common for new ailments to occur after the initial operation that can negatively affect the patient. When doctors fail to perform necessary testing or monitor the patient, they may not be aware that something new has occurred. A lawsuit may then be an option due to the medical team's negligence.

Contact a Lawyer

If you or someone you know has been a victim of medical malpractice during post-operative care, you may be entitled to financial compensation. Working with an attorney can be beneficial, as they can take the time to discuss the details of your case and present you with helpful legal advice. Here at Upton & Hatfield, LLP, we have a team of skilled attorneys who have your best interests at heart and have what it takes to get you the justice you deserve.

Contact us today at (603) 716-9777 to schedule your free consultation and get the help you need.